1 Introduction
1.1 The terms used in these procedures are as defined in ICAO Document 8168.
1.2 The transition altitude is 9 000 ft.
1.3 The transition level is FL110.
- When the QNH value at Hong Kong International Airport is 979 hPa or below ATC will inform pilots of the transition level by Arrival ATIS broadcast or voice communication.
- The lowest QNH value recorded by the Hong Kong Observatory to date is 953.2 hPa.
2 Basic Altimeter Setting Procedures
2.1.1 Aircraft operating beyond a range of 50 NM from Hong Kong International Airport, and those within 50 NM of the airport but at or above the transition level will use an altimeter setting of 1013.2 hPa.
2.1.2 Aircraft operating within 50 NM of Hong Kong International Airport at or below the transition altitude (9 000 ft) will use the local QNH setting supplied by ATC.
2.1.3 Aircraft wishing to operate within 50 NM of Hong Kong International Airport shall not flight plan to cruise at levels between the transition altitude and FL120.
Change of Settings
2.2.1 Arriving aircraft at Hong Kong International Airport will change from an altimeter setting of 1013.2 hPa to the local QNH setting :-
- When 50 NM from the airport, if at or below the transition altitude (9 000 ft), or
- When vacating the transition level on a descent, if within 50 NM of the airport.
Note: Aircraft approaching at or below 9 000 ft may be instructed by ATC to use the local QNH setting before reaching 50 NM from the airport, if it is considered necessary in the interest of flight safety.
2.2.2 Departing aircraft from Hong Kong International Airport will change from the local QNH setting to an altimeter setting of 1013.2 hPa:
- When 50 NM from the airport, if at or below the transition altitude (9 000 ft).
- When vacating the transition altitude on a climb, if within 50 NM from the airport.
Barometric Pressure Information
2.3.1 Current QNH reports are continuously available on the Automatic Terminal Information Service (128.2 MHZ and 127.05 MHZ). QFE settings are available on request.
2.3.2 All altimeter setting values are given in hectopascals. Airline operators and agencies must provide their own facilities for conversion to other units.
2.3.3 QNH and QFE settings are rounded down to the nearest whole hectopascal.
5 IFR Cruising Levels
5.1 The allocation of IFR cruising flight levels within Hong Kong FIR in general follows ICAO Annex 2 Appendix 3 Table a) or b).
5.2 Flights departing from or entering Hong Kong FIR will be allocated specific flight levels depending on the flight planned route. The Flight Level Assignment Schemes adopted by Hong Kong ATC and adjacent ACCs are detailed in ENR 1.8 paragraph
6 VFR Cruising Levels
6.1 A VFR flight operating in level cruising flight above 3 000 ft from the ground or water within Hong Kong airspace outside of controlled airspace shall be flown at a cruising level appropriate to its magnetic track as specified in the following table:
Magnetic Track
Cruising Levels
000° - 179° 180° - 359° |
Odd thousands plus 500 ft Even thousands plus 500 ft |
7 Application of Vertical Separation
7.1 The vertical separation minima is 1 000 ft (300 m) at or below FL410 and 2 000 ft (600 m) above FL410.
7.2 In the application of vertical separation to climbing or descending aircraft, a minimum rate of change of 500 feet per minute is assumed. Pilots shall inform ATC if a lower rate of level change is intended.