1 Application
1.1 Flight under VFR may take place subject to ATC clearance within the following Class C airspace :
- the Hong Kong CTR;
- the Hong Kong TMA above the UCARAs from their notified upper limits up to 9 000 ft AMSL;
- the Hong Kong TMA within 50 NM of BIGEX between 2 000 ft and 8 000 ft AMSL, excluding the airspace in paras. a) and b) above.
1.2 Flight under VFR may take place in Class G airspace.
1.3 Flight under Special VFR may take place subject to ATC clearance within the Hong Kong CTR.
2 Visual Flight Rules
2.1 VFR flights shall be conducted in conditions of visibility and distance from cloud, the same as or greater than those specified in the following table, (except when operating as a Special VFR flight):
Airspace Classification
Flight Visibility
Distance from Cloud
C |
5 km |
1 500 m horizontally and 1 000 ft vertically |
G |
5 km |
1 500 m horizontally and 1 000 ft vertically |
at or below 3 000 ft remains clear of cloud and in sight of surface |
an aircraft, other than a helicopter at or below 3 000 ft at an airspeed of 140 kt or less in a flight visibility of 1 500 m and remains clear of cloud |
a helicopter at or below 3 000 ft at a speed, with due regard to visibility, is reasonable
, remains clear of cloud and in sight of surface |
2.2 Visual Flight Rules shall be deemed not to apply to flights conducted at night, but ATC may authorize Special VFR within a control zone in accordance with special instructions.
2.3 A Special VFR flight is a flight made in Instrument Meteorological Conditions or at night in a control zone; in a control zone notified for the purpose of Rule 21 of Schedule 14 to the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995, in respect of which the appropriate air traffic control unit has given permission for the flight to be made in accordance with special instructions given by that unit instead of in accordance with IFR.
Note: It shall be understood that such flights must be conducted clear of cloud and in sight of the surface.
3 Notification of Controlled Airspace
3.1 The Hong Kong Control Zone (CTR) as defined in
ENR 2.1 is hereby notified for the purpose of Rule 21 of Schedule 14 to the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995.
4 Calibration Aircraft
4.1 Calibration aircraft are exempted from the restrictions of ‘Notification of Controlled Airspace’, and are permitted to operate under Visual Flight Rules for the purpose of calibrating navigational aids.