1  General

1.1 There are two types of Helicopter Routes within the Hong Kong FIR:
  1. Oil Rig Support Helicopter Routes, and
  2. Hong Kong - Macau Helicopter Routes.
1.2 Only helicopter operators authorised by the Director-General of Civil Aviation may use the Helicopter Routes established in the Hong Kong FIR.

2  Oil Rig Support Helicopter Routes

2.1 Reporting Points
Reporting Point Co-ordinates
MCU DVOR (116.4 MHZ)* 220808N 1133552E ^
ZAO DVOR (117.2 MHZ) * 2214.7N 11336.7E ^
ZUH VOR (116.7 MHZ) * 221318N 1132800E +
AOTOU * 224300N 1143155E
DAPENG 222700N 1143000E
DELTA 213100N 1133000E
HENGA * 223900N 1141200E
HOTEL 222300N 1145430E
HVC02 220448N 1134152E
HVW01 220343N 1134441E
PINGSHAN * 224130N 1142100E
QUBEC 220601.7N 1134045.3E
ROMEO 215148N 1132654E
SESAN 223050N 1145025E
UNIFORM 220900N 1134042E
VICTOR WHISKEY 215000N 1135500E

* Navaid/Reporting Point outside Hong Kong FIR
^ Information from AIP Macao
+ Information from AIP China

2.2 Routes
Name Route Controlling Unit Frequency *
Track H
122.4 MHZ (primary)
122.075 MHZ (secondary)
Track D
(Secondary IFR Track)
123.95 MHZ (primary)
132.225 MHZ (secondary)
Track VW
120.6 MHZ (primary)
122.075 MHZ (secondary)
Track VH
(Secondary VFR Track)
Helicopter base – HENGA – PINGSHAN – along Eastern Coast of DAPENG WAN – DAPENG HONG KONG INFORMATION
122.4 MHZ (primary)
122.075 MHZ (secondary)

* Helicopters departing from an oil rig shall contact Hong Kong Information/ Hong Kong Radar on the last assigned frequency as soon as practicable.

2.3 Vertical Limits
Route Less Than 50 NM from BIGEX 50 NM or Greater from BIGEX
VFR Track H 2 000 ft AMSL or less Below 8 000 ft AMSL

At appropriate cruising levels in accordance with ICAO Annex 2, Rules of the Air, Appendix C.

Oil rig support helicopters shall not normally be flown at or above 8 000 ft AMSL in controlled airspace.
Track VH
(Base to rig)
2 000 ft AMSL or less
Track VH
(Rig to base)
2 000 ft AMSL or less
Track VW
500 ft AMSL or less (RWY 07 in HKIA);
800 ft AMSL or less (RWY 25 in HKIA)
Track VW
1 000 ft AMSL or less
Track VW
(VW - rig)
2 000 ft AMSL or less
IFR Track H
(Base to rig)
5 000 ft AMSL
Track H
(Rig to base)
4 000 ft AMSL
Track D
(Base to rig)
4 000 ft AMSL (PRI)
6 000 ft AMSL (SRY subject to coordination)
Track D
(Rig to base)
5 000 ft AMSL

3  Hong Kong - Macao Helicopter Routes

3.1.1 Reporting Points
Reporting Point Co-ordinates
MACAO HELIPORT 221148N 1133333E
SKY SHUTTLE HELIPORT 221719.7N 1140908.4E
CHEUNG CHAU BUOY 221224N 1140012E
CHEUNG CHAU SOUTH 220900N 1140148E
CHAKO 221020.5N 1135616.3E
FAN LAU 221124N 1135100E
FATUT 221132.4N 1134803.6E
FOVOG 221133.2N 1134058.3E
GOGRE 221133.2N 1133430.4E
GREEN ISLAND 221720N 1140620E
HASAN 221018.6N 1135320.9E
HOROT 221640.0N 1140556.8E
HVB01 221032N 1134327E
HVB02 220935N 1134834E
HVB03 220934N 1135143E
HVB04 220900N 1135408E
HVC02 220448N 1134152E
HVC03 220446N 1134408E
LEVKE 221458.2N 1140442.7E
LIGHTHOUSE 220442N 1134812E
QUBEC 220601.7N 1134045.3E
TANGO 221124N 1134012E
UNIFORM 220900N 1134042E
WAVOS 221201.5N 1140402.3E
WAYPOINT 2 220500N 1135312E
ZEXEK 221023.10N 1140034.90E
3.1.2 Routes
Name Route Availability
Route A Sky Shuttle Heliport - GREEN ISLAND - CHEUNG CHAU BUOY - FAN LAU - TANGO - Macao Heliport Specifically approved operators only. VFR / SVFR Standard Westbound route
Route A2 Sky Shuttle Heliport - HOROT - LEVKE - WAVOS - ZEXEK - CHAKO - HASAN - FATUT - FOVOG - GOGRE - Macao Heliport Specifically approved operators only. SVFR only Standard Westbound route
Route B1 Macao Heliport - UNIFORM - HVB01 - HVB02 - HVB03 - HVB04 - CHEUNG CHAU SOUTH - GREEN ISLAND - Sky Shuttle Heliport Specifically approved operators only. VFR only Standard Eastbound route
Route C1 Macao Heliport - QUBEC - HVC02 - HVC03 - LIGHTHOUSE - WAYPOINT 2 - CHEUNG CHAU SOUTH - GREEN ISLAND - Sky Shuttle Heliport Specifically approved operators only. VFR/SVFR Standard Eastbound SVFR route
3.1.3 Communication
  1. Helicopters operating VFR shall contact Hong Kong Zone 120.6 MHZ
  2. Helicopters operating SVFR shall contact Hong Kong Zone 120.6 MHZ, or Hong Kong Approach 119.1 MHZ, or Hong Kong Departure 123.8 as instructed.
3.1.4 Altitude Restrictions
Route Hong Kong RWY in Use Operating Conditions Maximum Altitude*
Route A RWY 07 VFR / SVFR 500 ft AMSL
RWY 25 VFR / SVFR 500 ft AMSL
Route A2 RWY 07 SVFR 500 ft AMSL
RWY 25 SVFR 500 ft AMSL
Route B1 RWY 07 VFR 500 ft AMSL
RWY 25 VFR 500 ft AMSL
Route C1 RWY 07 VFR 500 ft AMSL
SVFR 1 000 ft AMSL
RWY 25 VFR / SVFR 1 200 ft AMSL

* The maximum altitude restrictions in the above table are only applicable to the western portions of the routes, i.e. west of FAN LAU / HVB03 / WAYPOINT 2 / HASAN.

3.2.1 Reporting Points
Reporting point Co-ordinates (WGS84) Cross Reference from Navaid
Macao Heliport 221148N 1133333E -
Sky Shuttle Heliport 221719.7N 1140908.4E -
KEMTE 220544.56N 1140650.54E -
PEARL 220304.7N 1134735.7E MCU R116/DME 12 NM
QUBEC 220601.7N 1134045.3E MCU R116/DME 5 NM
WALIN 220540.10N 1135843.20E -
3.2.2 Routes
Name Route Availability
Route J Macao Heliport - visual segment to MCU DVOR - MCU R116 - QUBEC - MCU R116/DME 20 NM - WALIN Specifically approved operators only.

Only one flight at a time shall use Routes J and L.
Route L KEMTE - intercept TD R225 - intercept MCU R116 - PEARL - MAP (MCU R116/DME 1.1 NM) - visual segment to Macao Heliport
3.2.3 Communication
  1. Helicopters on Route J shall contact Hong Kong ATCU on the notified frequency at or before QUBEC;
  2. Helicopters on Route L shall contact Hong Kong Zone 120.6 MHZ. 
3.2.4 Altitude Restrictions
Route Segment Maximum Altitude
Route J Macao Heliport - MCU R116/DME 1 NM Visual not above 500 ft
MCU R116 - WALIN 1 800 ft
Route L KEMTE - TD R225 1 600 ft
TD R225 - MCU R116/DME 1.1 NM 2 000 ft
MCU R116/DME 1.1 NM - Macao Heliport Visual not above 500 ft
3.2.5 Operating Procedures
  1. Only specifically approved helicopter operators are permitted to use the IFR routes.
  2. Operators shall obtain authorisation from Hong Kong Control Tower Supervisor and Macao Control Tower by fax or telephone prior to departure.
  3. Only one helicopter at a time shall use both Route J and L.
  4. Pilots should use published instrument departure or approach procedure to/from Sky Shuttle Heliport.
  5. Helicopters shall have a serviceable SSR transponder.
  6. The IFR routes shall not normally be used during the peak periods of Macao Airport traffic.
  7. The operating altitudes of the IFR routes are generally below the Minimum Safe Altitude and Minimum Vectoring Altitude, therefore no deviation from the published procedures is permitted. 
Page Chart name PDF
ENR 3.4-Heli-1 Oil Rig Support Helicopter Routes
ENR 3.4-Heli-2 Hong Kong - Macao VFR/SVFR Helicopter Routes
ENR 3.4-Heli-3 Hong Kong - Macao IFR Helicopter Routes