1  Responsible Service

1.1 The authority responsible for the overall administration of aeronautical communication and navigation facility services is the Assistant Director-General of Civil Aviation (Air Traffic Management) acting under the authority of the Director-General of Civil Aviation.
1.2 The service is provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the following ICAO documents:-

Differences to these provisions are detailed in GEN 1.7.

2  Area of Responsibility

2.1 Arrangements for aeronautical radio communications and navigation services on a continuing basis within the Hong Kong FIR should be made with the Director-General of Civil Aviation, who is also responsible for the application of the regulations concerning the design, type and installation of radio stations in Hong Kong registered aircraft. 

3  Types of Service

3.1  Radio Navigation Service
3.1.1 The following types of radio aids to navigation are available:-
Note: There is no Special Navigation System stationed within Hong Kong FIR.
3.2  Aeronautical Fixed Service
3.2.1 The Aeronautical Network Centre (ANC) provides the aeronautical fixed service with automatic message switching facility for the handling of messages specified in para. in Annex 10 Vol II via the international Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN) and Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) on H24 basis. Messages not belonging to the categories specified will not be accepted for transmission. (See Table COM - 1A and Table COM - 1B)
3.2.2 As Hong Kong is designated as one of the Regional OPMET Centres under the ROBEX Scheme, the centre is also responsible for the exchange of operational meteorological information via the aeronautical fixed service. Inter Area Speech Circuits (IASC) are also provided either through the common carrier system or dedicated telephone channels.
3.3  Aeronautical Broadcasting Service
3.3.1 The following aeronautical broadcasts are available for aircraft in flight:
  1. HF VOLMET broadcasts on designated frequencies and at regular schedules on H24 basis.
  2. VHF Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcasts information on H24 basis:
    1. for arriving aircraft on 128.20 MHZ;
    2. for departing aircraft on 127.05 MHZ.
  3. Continuous VHF VOLMET broadcast of Shenzhen, Macau, Taibei and Gaoxiong actual weather on 128.875 MHZ on H24 basis.
3.4  ATS Data Link Service
3.4.1 The following ATS data link services are available for aircraft in flight:
  1. Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS);
    1. for arriving aircraft code VHHHA;
    2. for departing aircraft code VHHHD.
  2. Data Link Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight (D-VOLMET).
Note: If pilots experience difficulty in establishing communication with D-ATIS or D-VOLMET services within Hong Kong airspace, they are requested to inform Hong Kong ATC.
3.4.2 A data link service for the delivery of 2-way pre-departure clearance (PDC) to aircraft prior to departure from Hong Kong International Airport is available. Before participating in this service operators must contact the Civil Aviation Department to ensure technical compatibility with the 2-way PDC system. (Aircraft must be equipped with Aircraft Communication and Addressing and Reporting System [ACARS] equipment compliant with AEEC Specification 623 and with connectivity to SITA Aircom Network or another compatible data link service provider’s network.)
Note: If pilots experience difficulty in obtaining PDC messages they are requested to inform Clearance Delivery on 122.15 MHZ. 
3.5  Other Information Services
3.5.1 Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcast are available H24 via the following telephone hotlines:
3.5.2 Arrival ATIS and Departure ATIS are available H24 on the CAD website
3.6  Private Communication Network Service
3.6.1 Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department Private Communication Network service enables authorised airline operators and local organisations to access to the HKCAD ATS Messaging Handling System (AMHS) web server for the exchange of messages (see para 3.2.1 above) via the AFTN. Airlines operators can also submit flight plans to the Aeronautical Information Management Centre for flights departing HKIA, download Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB) and Hong Kong NOTAM Summary.
3.6.2 Authorised airline operators and local organisations can subscribe to the Private Communication Network service from the designated service provider PCCW for connection to the HKCAD ATS Messaging Handling System (AMHS) web server. Access to the web server is controlled by authorized user accounts and password authentication.
3.6.3 Equipment requirement for the Private Communication Network service: Minimum equipment requirements are:
  1. a dedicated Personal Computer (PC) with a web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer (version 7 or later) or Mozilla Firefox (version 3 or later) with Java Runtime Environment (version 6) installed, etc.; and
  2. a connection to the required Private Communication Network. There is no need to install the application software on the PC. The application will be downloaded when connected to the system via the Private Communication Network. To minimize impact to the Private Communication Network service due to cyber security threats, the computer equipment shall be protected at subscribers’ end, including at least provisions of regular operating system update, anti-virus and firewall software, physical access control and the computer shall not be used to access the internet. Other wired or wireless network facilities (if available) shall be disabled prior to and during the connection with the Private Communication Network.
3.6.4 For information related to HKCAD ATS Messaging Handling System (AMHS) web service and enquiries on user account management, contact the Duty Officer at the Aeronautical Network Centre on Telephone +852 2910 6216, Fax +852 2910 1118.
3.6.5 Enquiries on the Private Communication Network connection issues may be directed to PCCW Hotline on Telephone +852 2888 7180.
3.6.6 For subscription of Private Communication Network service, contact PCCW on Telephone +852 2888 3492.
3.7  Language Used
3.7.1 English is the only language medium to be used in aeronautical communication and aeronautical broadcasting services being provided. 

Table COM - 1A

Aeronautical Fixed Service - Telegraph/Telephone

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Station Correspondent Type of Channel Type of Traffic Hours (UTC) Remarks
Name Call Sign Name Call Sign
Hong Kong --- Bangkok --- LDD/d AFS H24 ---
Beijing LDD/d AFS H24
Fukuoka LDD/d AFS H24
Guangzhou LDD/d AFS H24
Haikou LDD/d AFS H24
Hochiminh City LDD/d AFS H24
Macao LDD/d AFS H24
Manila LDD/d AFS H24
Taibei LDD/d AFS H24
Hong Kong ACC Hong Kong Guangzhou ACC Guangzhou LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Macao TWR Macao LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Manila ACC Manila LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Nanning ACC Nanning LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Sanya ACC Sanya LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Shanghai ACC Shanghai LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Shantou ACC Shantou LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Taibei ACC Taibei LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Xiamen ACC Xiamen LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Zhanjiang LTF ATS H24 ---
Zhuhai APP Zhuhai LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.
Hong Kong Radar Hong Kong Radar Taibei ACC Taibei Radar LTF ATS H24 Direct controller-to-controller voice link.

Table COM - 1B

Aeronautical Fixed Service - Circuits for local authority and operational units

1 2 3 4 5 6
Name of Station Correspondent Type of Circuit Type of Traffic Hours (UTC) Remarks
AFTN Addressee
Hong Kong
LDD/a AFS H24 ---