1 General Rules and Procedures
1.1 The air traffic rules and procedures applicable to air traffic within the Hong Kong FIR conform to: Annex 2 and Annex 11, the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995; ICAO Doc 4444 PANS/ATM, and the Regional Supplementary Procedures MID/ASIA Region, except for the differences listed in
GEN 1.7.
2 Communication Procedures
2.1.1 To ensure the safe and orderly integration of traffic, all aircraft shall comply with the following communication requirements to obtain an air traffic control (ATC) clearance:
Route |
Reporting Point |
Hong Kong Frequency (MHz) |
Contact Hong Kong Radar |
A1(E)/G581 |
121.3 (PRI) 128.125 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before ELATO |
A202/R339 |
127.1 (PRI) 123.7 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before SIKOU |
A461/M501 |
132.15 (PRI) 129.9 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before NOMAN |
A470 |
121.3 (PRI) 128.125 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before DOTMI |
A583 |
128.75 (PRI) 129.9 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before SABNO |
B330 |
127.1 (PRI) 123.7 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before TAMOT |
G86 |
132.15 (PRI) 129.9 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before KAPLI |
M503 |
121.3 (PRI) 128.125 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before LELIM |
M771 |
122.95 (PRI) 135.6 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before DOSUT |
128.75 (PRI) 129.9 (SRY) |
M772 |
122.95 (PRI) 135.6 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before ASOBA |
A1(W) |
125.325 (PRI) 132.775 (SRY) |
At least 10 NM before IKELA |
R473 |
127.55 (PRI) 134.3 (SRY) |
At least 3 minutes prior to SIERA |
123.95 (PRI) 132.225 (SRY) |
At least 3 minutes prior to MCU |
123.95 (PRI) 132.225 (SRY) |
At least 3 minutes prior to ROMEO |
2.1.2 Notwithstanding the above, aircraft shall establish two-way radio communication with Hong Kong Radar when so prescribed by the respective ATC unit, and maintain a listening watch on one of the notified frequencies (see
ENR 3.1). Such aircraft shall make position reports when entering and leaving Hong Kong airspace, and at such other times and/or positions as directed by Hong Kong ACC.
2.1.3 Pilot shall report the aircraft call sign, position (with reference to a reporting point), level (including passing and cleared levels if not maintaining the cleared level), transponder code and other pertinent information (e.g. speed assigned by last ATC, tracking if it differs from the flight plan route) in the initial call before entering Hong Kong FIR.
2.1.4 Aircraft entering Hong Kong FIR outside controlled airspace, but wishing to join controlled airspace, shall request clearance from Hong Kong ACC stating flight level and estimated time/position of joining, in relation to a reporting point. Until specific clearance is received from Hong Kong ACC, the aircraft shall remain clear of controlled airspace.
2.2.1 After take-off, on first contact with ‘Hong Kong Departure’, the pilot shall state the aircraft call sign; report the passing altitude to the nearest 100 ft and assigned altitude.
2.2.2 In the approach phase, in order to reduce frequency congestion, Approach Control will use the following phraseology when instructing a frequency change; “(Call sign) contact Hong Kong Director 119.5 MHZ with call sign only”. The pilot on first communication with ‘Hong Kong Director’ shall state call sign only.
2.2.3 Unless prescribed above, pilot shall only report call sign and cleared level during frequency change within Hong Kong FIR.
2.3.1 Aircraft leaving Hong Kong FIR are to remain on Hong Kong control frequency until instructed.
2.4.1 Details are as per
2.5.1 Position reports shall be made when over, or as soon as possible after passing, such reporting points. When so informed, the pilot of an aircraft that is radar identified may omit such position reports. Pilots shall resume position reporting when so instructed and when radar service is terminated or radar identification is lost. Additional reports may be requested by ATC for control purpose.
2.5.2 To ensure correct receipt of information, unless otherwise instructed pilots are required to read back the following:
- ATC route clearances unless otherwise authorised by the appropriate ATS authority, in which case they shall be acknowledged in a positive manner.
- All clearances to enter, land on, take off on, cross and backtrack the runway in use.
- Other clearances or instructions, including conditional clearances, unless acknowledgement is given in a manner to clearly indicate that they have been understood and will be complied with.
- Runway in use, altimeter settings, SSR codes, level instructions, heading and speed instructions, and where so required by the appropriate ATS authority, transition levels.
3 Procedures for the Use of ATS Route A202
3.1 The use of ATS route A202 via SIKOU to or from Hong Kong FIR is limited to:
- traffic departing Hong Kong or Macao;
- traffic landing Hong Kong or Macao;
- traffic departing Guangzhou FIR, Sanya FIR, Hanoi FIR or Taibei FIR;
- traffic landing Guangzhou FIR, Sanya FIR, Hanoi FIR or Taibei FIR
3.2 Traffic overflying Hong Kong FIR to or from Bangkok FIR and beyond (except as in paras
c) and
d) above), should normally route via IKELA on A1 or P901.
4 Procedures for the Use of ATS Routes A1(E), G581 and G86, and RNAV 5 Route M750
4.1 The use of ATS Routes A1/G581, G86 and RNAV 5 Route M750 between Hong Kong and Taibei FIR for flights
- to/from Hong Kong or Macao
- transiting Hong Kong FIR via SIERA (R473), TAMOT (B330), BEKOL (A461) or DOTMI (A470) shall be:
FIR Boundary |
Direction of Flight |
Time Restriction at FIR Boundary (UTC) |
Westbound |
No restriction |
Eastbound FL270 or below |
Eastbound FL270 or above |
Eastbound |
4.2 The use of ATS Routes A1/G581, G86 and RNAV 5 Route M750 between Hong Kong and Taibei FIR for all other flights transiting Hong Kong FIR other than
4.1 above shall be:
FIR Boundary |
Direction of Flight |
Time Restriction at FIR Boundary (UTC) |
Westbound |
Not available |
Eastbound FL270 or below |
Available 1700-0059 |
Eastbound FL270 or above |
Westbound to ALLEY or MADRU only |
No restriction |
Eastbound |
5 Procedures for the Use of RNAV 2 Route M503 between Hong Kong and Guangzhou FIR
5.1 M503 is exclusive for RNAV 2 capable aircraft only. Aircraft operating on M503 shall adhere to the relevant RNAV 2 operational requirement as stipulated in the AIP China.
5.2 The use of RNAV 2 route M503 to or from Hong Kong FIR is limited to:
- traffic departing Hong Kong or Macao and landing Shanghai Pudong, Qingdao, Yantai or Dalian;
- traffic departing Shanghai Pudong, Qingdao, Yantai or Dalian and landing Hong Kong.
5.3 Owing to the close proximity of TTR V611 in the vicinity of LELIM to other regional airways, aircraft is not allowed to deviate eastwards beyond M503 under normal circumstances. Approval shall be sought from ATC well in advance should such manoeuvre become inevitable in the event of emergency.
5.4 In the event that M503 is not available, eg. due to severe weather condition or other airspace restriction, affected flights should file flight plan route ATS route A470.
6 Procedures for the Use of RNP 4 Routes M771 and L642
6.1 RNP 4 Routes M771 and L642 are normally restricted to traffic arriving or departing Hong Kong or Macao airports and traffic transiting the Hong Kong FIR to/from the Guangzhou FIR. (See
ENR 1.10 for flight plan routes.)
6.2 Northeast/southwest bound traffic to/from the Taibei FIR and beyond should flight plan via N892 and L625. Only under special circumstances, eg severe weather avoidance, equipment failure, etc. will flights be considered to route via M771 or L642 (such flights shall flight plan via BIGEX).
7 Procedures for the Use of RNP10 Route M772
7.1 RNP10 Route M772 is restricted to traffic departing Jakarta to Hong Kong or to airports in the People’s Republic of China, and departing Borneo to Hong Kong. Traffic from other points of departure is not normally permitted to use this route (see
ENR 1.8 for details).
8 Procedures for the Use of RNP10 Route Q1
8.1 RNP10 Route Q1 is normally restricted to:
- Arriving aircraft at the Hong Kong Airport via PBN Route M771 or M772, and
- flights transiting Hong Kong FIR via PBN Route M771 or M772 for DOTMI and then ATS Route A470.